Abbotsford Electricians and Electrical Contractors for Residential and Industrial Services

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The world and its relation to energy are changing for the better. In decades past, renewable energy was a theoretical pipe dream that would maybe, possibly one day be somewhere in the same zip code as possible. Advancements in the past decade have taken solar energy from science fiction to practical reality, available to the average consumer.

A person holding a solar panel

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Given that they’re approximately 70% more affordable than ever, now is a better time than ever to consider upgrading your home with renewable energy. Putting solar panels on your home is a great way to modernize your life and reduce your reliance on traditional energy grids. Here are a few reasons why you should join the growing number of people making the switch today!

It’s Easy and Effective

A picture containing outdoor, house, building, resort

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You may have heard that solar power or renewable energy is inefficient and requires too much effort to set up for very little in the way of payoff. Once upon a time, that was true. Efficiency in solar panels is measured as a function of how much solar energy is captured and converted from the light hitting the panel itself. The earliest models could only convert about 5% of the photons that hit them, but we’ve come a long way since then. Modern solar panels can produce energy at 20% efficiency. According to, the efficiency of your solar panels will fluctuate a little, but will generally hover around 15-20% reliably. Now, this may not seem like a high number in a vacuum, but it’s leaps and bounds better than the models of even a few years ago! Considering that the sun generates an insane amount of energy constantly, that’s basically free power. And the technology is only going to become more and more efficient over time!

Anyone telling you that the technology is useless if not 100% efficient is either woefully ignorant of how energy works or is trying to mislead you. No engine or power grid on the planet works at 100%, and the laws of physics and thermodynamics have something to say to anyone who says otherwise. The panels are installed in out-of-the-way locations, such as your roof, and start working pretty much as soon as the installation is complete. You rarely have to worry about them thanks to their durable construction, and modern designs mean that the eyesores of previous versions are a thing of the distant past.

It’s Better for the Environment

Solar panels on a roof

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As you can see here, energy generation and distribution have a profound impact on the environment. An estimated 40% of electricity is lost between being generated at a major electrical grid and making it to the home of the average consumer, a phenomenon known in the industry as line loss. Producing power means a lot of extra greenhouse gasses and other environmentally unfriendly byproducts such as thermal waste in the water and hazardous solid waste. While a minor contribution compared to the main issues, providing maintenance and transportation for a nation of large grids and substations also adds to the environmental impact of using power from the grids.

By cutting down your reliance on national grids to power your home, you remove part of your contribution to that impact. While completely removing your carbon footprint from the equation is impossible – we’ve already noted that you’ll be reducing your external electricity draw by 20% at the most efficient – that’s no reason not to reduce what you can, where you can!

It’s Better for your Wallet

Let’s talk about the real reason most people are switching to solar panels: the Benjamins, baby! It’s a no-brainer that the less electricity you’re drawing from your local utilities company, the less money you have to shell out to them when the time comes for the bill. Having solar panels generating a part of the power your home uses will cut down your energy bill every month, and those savings are not only substantial but add up over time. Given that solar panels are generally more affordable than people tend to think, there’s literally no financial downside to installing them according to Nerd Wallet. Overall, solar panels are a smart choice for your home. They reduce your environmental impact, they save you money, and they generate what is essentially free power as soon as they’re placed.

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