How to Allow User Generated Content on WordPress

Written By staff

If you have seen websites that allow user-generated content, you may be tempted to create a WordPress site that has this feature as well. The following are some ways to allow users to submit content on your WordPress site.

This method also allows you to moderate the content in a way similar to how WordPress handles comments. You can approve or disapprove the same way. There is also the Webpurify profanity filter, which is a useful tool for moderation. You can also let users submit blog posts without having access to the admin page. There is even a way to accept blog posts from registered users. This technique works with Frontend publishing making it easy to submit blog posts, add images, and add new company listings as one would for a directory.

Here are three different ways to allow user-generated content on your WordPress site. 

The first technique involves a premium WordPress plugin that allows users to create blog posts from the frontend of the site. It also bypasses the admin area, which keeps your site safe and secure. Users don’t even have to register and create an account to post. Install the WPForms plugin on your WordPress site and activate the plugin. Once it is activated, go to WPForms >>Settings and enter the license key to activate the software. The license key can be found in your account on the WPForms site. 

One the plugin has been activated, go to WPForms>>Addons and scroll to where it says, “Post submissions addon.” Click the button that reads “Install Addon.”
The plugin will install the addon that posts submissions. Click the Activate button to begin to use the addition. This allows for the post submission form.

Go to WPForms>>Add New to add a new page and access the form builder interface.
From here, you can add features to the page and let your users choose categories to post in, add images, excerpts, and even custom fields. When the form is completed, it can be posted. 

The second WordPress plugin is the User Submitted Posts plugin. Once this plugin has been activated, go to Settings >> User Submitted Posts to set up the plugin. There are fields to display under the plugin settings that can be chosen for the form. The default author can be selected for all user-generated content. It is recommended that you create a new guest user and encourage all users to submit posts to that user. This plugin also allows images for blog posts. 

The third option is to allow users to sign up to your multi-author WordPress site. This is a built-in feature of WordPress where you can enable user registration. 

Go to Settings >> General and check on the option that says, “Anyone can register” and under the heading “New User Default Role” select Contributor or Author. From here, save changes. This allows users to register to create blog posts on your WordPress site. One a user has registered, they can log in to the site and submit their blog posts.


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