How to pick the right Instagram accounts to target for mention marketing

Written By staff

Mention marketing is a very sneaky way of getting people to visit your Instagram page to look at your content. When you tag somebody on Instagram, they will get a notification. They can then click on the notification to get to the piece of content that mentions their name in a comment. If they like the content, they can engage with it by liking it or they can follow your account. This is how a lot of guerrilla Instagram marketers build up their following. It can lead to a lot of money down the road. The problem is – a lot of people do this the wrong way. They would take random Instagram accounts, scrape their names, and then just use a piece of software or bot and mass tag these people. This is very dangerous because these people may not be interested in your content. They couldn’t care less.

Many marketers find the wrong targets because the marketers would follow or track or scrape the follower list of celebrity or superstar accounts. Bad idea. When it comes to building a niche following, you have to actually build a niche-centered user base. In other words, it’s their focus on a centralized niche interest that unites them. You can’t build a high converting IG account when you attract users with conflicting or ‘mixed’ interests. These people aren’t all that likely to buy whatever it is you are promoting.

The bottom line is if you don’t target your followers, you will end up with a mixed crowd.

What do you think they’ll do? They fell that you just wasted their time. So they are likely to complain or report you. This is why it’s crucial to pick the right Instagram accounts to target for mention marketing. The secret to this is to scrape the highly engaged followers of the top accounts in your target niche. I’m not talking about their followers. I’m talking about people who actually engage with their content. These are the most active. These are the most involved people. They’re more likely to be truly interested in your niche.

Once you get those names, you then use software and secondary accounts to post comments on your content. To make this fly, you have to make sure that there is enough social proof in your content. If you’re promoting your videos, then your videos should have enough views.

If you are promoting your photo content, then they should have enough likes. You can buy more likes easily at You can also get free Instagram likes from apps like GetInsta. If you want people to follow your account, then you should have a high amount of followers.

The secret to social proof is that people don’t want to be guinea pigs. They don’t want to be the first person to like something. They don’t want to be the first person to follow an account. So when they see that a piece of content has already been viewed or engaged with, they are more likely to engage with that content. At the back of their minds, they’re thinking “I’m not the first person. This content is tried and proven. Its quality is definite. I’m in.” You have to trigger this thought process otherwise, if you don’t target the right IG account or you do this the wrong way, all the automation in the world is not going to help you achieve success on Instagram.

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