MG Liker APK
In this social media world, we all crave for a number of likes on our facebook page or posts. These likes have created societies, platforms, differences, made a person famous around the web world, one competing in this changing medium of business; people aspire to like that could help them in booming their business, creating platforms or you need like for yourself ; there are a range of varying apps and sites to increase your likes on a post or page.
So in this blog, we would reveal some secrets to increase your facebook likes instantly using your android phones just for free! Yes absolutely free. Facebook is a top grill social network with millions of users, MG LIKER is the only application which makes identity to its uses instead of users accounts Facebook is attached with the life of every individual which will start from wake up status and goes to tell sharing scary night match it is filled with joy motion stories. Everybody wants to be famous on Facebook but it is not that much easy getting likes on Facebook.
Let me introduce to one of the best free automakers for facebook that will help you in the path of becoming famous on facebook; goes by the name: MG LIKER.
MG Liker APK Free Download
MG liker is an application which was developed in November 2013 by two teenagers because of its functionality and service this application of becoming the most popular auto liker app for Facebook It is an android application which was developed in an intent to generate automatic likes on your facebook posts.
MG Likers Provide You 300 Likes On Status & Photos With Desired Comment Options. This Autoliker uses API to provide fast and instant results.MG LIKERS is spam-proof and provides free likes to everyone.
It also deals with the Facebook Auto- reaction generating a number of reaction. You can also get Reactions To our Status, Photos, Videos and Anywhere Else You Want.
The good thing about MG liker is that it is totally free, you don’t need to pay anything for it. It gained popularity because of the work it does without requiring you to pay the developers anything. Unlike Facebook and Instagram on where you have to pay huge amounts of your hard earned money to reach your targeted audience, mg liker helps you to get the desired audience on your facebook so that you don’t have to waste your money on Facebook ads.
Note: If you are looking for any WhatsApp mod then you can try fmwhatsapp download which has lot of amazing features as you don’t get in official whatsapp.
- Unlimited likes on your own Facebook’s and Instagram’s pictures, status and comments.
- Unlimited likes on pictures, comments and status of any Facebook and Instagram user.
- Well, the best thing about this app is it is Free of cost.
- No hidden charges are there.
- It has a very simple and user-friendly interface.
- It works very smoothly.
- No additional battery consumption.
- Easy to use.
- Compact view.
SUPPORT: android 2.3 and higher.
Is it safe to use?
Various MG liker is hundred percent safe and Secure and is very conscious about the use of privacy. It has some responsibilities to provide IT specialist the people without a 24/7 support.
How to use MG Liker APK
Step 1: First login to your facebook account and go to the settings —> public posts —> and make everything public.
Step 2: Make sure your posts are also on the public as MG LIKER only works for public posts.
Step 3: now its time to share something with the world. post anything you want to share.
Step 4: Then Go To WWW.MG-LIKERS.COM and click on click here.
Step 5: Then you would be taken to another page as shown in the picture below. click on the first step to allow the permissions to the site and just keep pressing ok until the not found page occurs.
Step 6: A pop up will appear you just have to click on OK.
Step 7: A permission box would appear asking your permission t post on Facebook on behalf of Instagram.
Step 8: Again a pop up will appear asking you to manage your posts, pages, events, manage your ads; you just have to click on OK to proceed.
Step 9: After that, you have to click on step 2 to copy the URL as shown in the picture below.
Step 10: After clicking on the second step a new page would appear, copy its link (URL) as shown in the screenshot below and paste it on the main page.
Step 11: On the main page paste the link (URL) as shown in the photo below and click on submit.
Step 12: You will be successfully logged into MG LIKER and your likes will increase soon as you select the option of CLICK HERE TO GET LIKES.
Step 13: Select the post in which you want to increase likes select the number of likes you wanted and then click on submit.
Step 14: Your likes would be increased instantly.
Note: Do not forget your posts must have to be public and your Public Posts settings must have to be public also otherwise likes won’t be processed on your posts.
FAQ: MG Liker APK for Instagram
Why should I Post in Public?
MG LIKER needs your Status to be in public because you will be receiving likes from the users who are not even in your friend’s list, and even you don’t know, so its necessary to post in public.
What is an Access Token?
The access token is a code that the application will use to get access to your Facebook account and give you likes.
note:- Access token can be used to post a status, comment, spam and many things, so be careful before entering an access token in any other site | don’t worry MG LIKER prohibits all such activities.
How To Find Your Access Token Inside The Token BOX?
Before Finding Your Access Token, Take A Look At The Generated Code Inside The TOKEN BOX, Make Sure There Is No Error Code In It, If You Found Out An Error Code, Read The Description That Causing The Error, Usually Its Because You Entered Invalid Facebook Username Or Password. Input Your Password Again And Click “Login”. After NO Errors In The TOKEN BOX, You Can Start Finding The Access Token,
Copy All TEXT Of TOKEN BOX, Copy And Paste That Into Below Box To log in.
Why Should I allow Followers?
Its because this application will work in public, the public can be set when you are 18+, and so if you allow followers its obvious that you are 18+.
Why Post/status ID’s are needed?
Post/Status/Photo ID’s are the Unique IDs given specifically to each by facebook, so it needs your ID’s to give likes on them
Will my likes will be given to others?
Not Exactly, MG LIKER will not give your likes on another status in all case, but yes in some case it would be very pleased to give the likes, and the app promises that the post will not be sexually exploited.
My Account Is Locked To Login To MG Liker?
Sometimes It Happens If You’re First Time User Of automatic Liker If You Receive A Message From Facebook its a Standard facebook security telling you that you’ve logged In From unusual device. Since You Never Sign In To MG Liker Before, So Facebook Asking You If Its You Or Not Who Doing The Login. Simply Open Your Facebook Via Browser And Follow The Instruction Then Select It Was Me, After That Try Login To MG Liker Again.
Nice and enjoying