Simple Ways to Perk up Your Morning

Written By staff

How do you survive each morning? Mornings are the hardest. It’s hard not to turn off the alarm. It’s a struggle to get in the shower. It’s a pain to prepare breakfast in the morning. For many of us, we go through our mornings in a kind of directionless routine. We go through them mechanically—like we’re programmed to act and feel in a certain way.

For those of you who have to rely on anespresso coffee machine to get through the day, know that you’re not alone. So many people rely on caffeine to survive the morning rush, the traffic jam, and the work grind. But, hey, there’s nothing that great coffee can’t fix. Hopefully, these tips will get you perked up for your mornings.

Don’t Hit That Snooze Button

When you hit that snooze button, you are sending a signal to the universe that you’re not ready to face the day yet. You’re procrastinating. You’re not starting the day right. Have the discipline to follow the schedule you have set for yourself the previous night. And just a little tip: Move the alarm clock (or your phone) as far away from your bed as possible so that you have to actually get up to stop the alarm.

Schedule a “Me Time” in the Morning

Your”me time”isn’t that exhausting hour after putting the children to sleep. The best “me time” is the one when everyone in your world is still asleep. The kids are asleep. You don’t have to prepare breakfast yet. Your boss is certainly slumbering. Wake up at least 10 minutes earlier than you have to start your day. During those 10 wonderful minutes, have the house to yourself. Sip a cup of coffee. Look at your garden. Focus on yourself completely.

Hit the Gym or the Park

Start the day right with 30 minutes of sprinting or running on the treadmill. You’ll find that after working out, you are more energetic. You have the stamina to face the day. Your adrenaline is pumped up. A study shows that even walking outdoors will give your brain a boost. Spending time with nature makes people feel more alive.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

While research is still ongoing about breakfast being the most important meal of the day, that’s not a reason to skip it. Your body needs fuel. You need to put some calories into it before starting the day. However, remember to skip calorie-packed food if you’re working out in the morning.

Remember also not to eat sugar-rich food such asDanish pastries and sugary fruits. Sugar can make you feel sluggish and lethargic. You’ll feel less energetic by eating sweet treats in the morning.

Pump up the Music

Nothing can get you going like an upbeat song. Play your favorite song and dance to it while making breakfast or preparing your clothes. Music is naturally healing. An upbeat song in the early morning of a busy Monday can soothe your frayed nerves.

Ahealthy morning routineis essential for you, your workplace, and your family. When you start the day right, you’ll have more energy for the rest of the day. Although a great morning will not stop your chatty coworkers, it will make them more bearable.

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