In today’s world, it has never been easier to find new ways to expand your horizons. In fact, most of us have a tool with which to learn new things on a daily basis, and we use it to make phone calls. Our smartphones are a wealth of potential, but are you utilizing it to your full advantage? To make sure that you are, it helps to find apps that can help you get smarter and improve your brain. In fact, all it takes is simple games like Solitaire proven to strengthen your mind to get the most out of your phone.
Mobile Apps that Makes you Smarter
Here are three apps that should be front and center on your home screen:
This app was designed by neuroscientists and gaming experts, so you know that it is awesome. It helps improve all kinds of mental capacities, from memory to problem-solving to creativity. Best of all, it’s free and a ton of fun, so you will be thoroughly entertained while expanding your mind.
Khan Academy
Want to learn about a new subject? Well, now you can with this mobile app that provides over ten thousand videos explaining various topics. No matter what you want to learn or how in-depth you want to go, you can do it with this mobile app. Best of all, class is always in session.
It’s true, playing this game can help you become smarter. It used to be a way to kill boredom, but it turns out that Android Solitaire can do more than help you pass the time at the dentist’s office. In fact, when you play Solitaire, you get many of the same benefits as you would doing complex equations. It just doesn’t feel that way because it’s fun.
Overall, with the sheer volume of free apps out there, you have no excuse not to be getting the most out of your smartphone.