Have you ever wondered “how to embed horoscopes” on your blog? If yes, then let me tell you it is very easy to embed horoscopes on your blog. And there are many ways to do it. But the simplest and easiest way to do it is by using the “Astropress Plugin” by the AskOracle Team. This plugin by Ask oracle team will help you to embed horoscopes charts on your blog without any complications.
Now, you may ask “Why Astropress Plugin is the best”?
There are many reasons for it. And I will share the most important and best reasons for using it.
4 Advantages of Astropress Horoscope Plugin by AskOracle Team
Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Horoscopes Results
This is a very important feature provided by the Astropress plugin. Now in other plugins, you don’t get to choose the “Period” for displaying the horoscopes results. But Astropress Plugin by Ask Oracle team is different from others. You can choose whether you want to display daily, weekly, or monthly horoscopes results.
Note: If you run a blog, then you should consider displaying daily horoscopes results. So that your visitors will curiously open your site to look at their horoscopes results.
Love, Money, and General Overview
Now, this is a very powerful feature provided by the Astropress Plugin by Ask Oracle team. Here you are allowed to choose to display the horoscopes results according to categories. And this is great. Because there are not many horoscope plugins which allow you to do it. But Astropress plugin allows you. Here you can choose to display the horoscope results by Love, Money, and General overview.
Simple and Easy to Use
As I said, there are many ways to embed horoscopes on your blog. So why I am suggesting you use “Astropress Plugin by Ask oracle Team”? Because Astropress plugin is the most efficient and simple way to do it, yes, Astropress plugin is very simple to understand and use it on your blog. And that’s why I would strongly recommend you to use the Astropress plugin too. Trust me; you will love this plugin.
Free to Use
Looking at these many features of Astropress plugin. You may think, that you might need to pay to use this plugin. But I am very happy to tell you that this plugin is completely free. And you can use this wonderful horoscope plugin for free on your blog.
So now, there is no reason left for you to “not try this plugin” and use it on your blog.
There are many horoscopes plugin available in the market. But Astropress Plugin by Ask Oracle team is the best plugin for horoscopes. The very first reason is that it is free to use. The second reason is that it allows you to choose the period and the category to display horoscopes. And this feature is not provided by other horoscopes plugin. One another very important reason to use Astropress plugin by Ask oracle Team is that it is very simple to use.