Should You Be Buying A Mac Computer?

Written By staff

Are you contemplating buying a brand-new computer? If so, you’ll have a big decision to make. One of the first things you should consider is whether you want a Mac or a Windows computer. The truth of the matter is that both work exceptionally well and you’ll probably need to make a personal decision here. Nevertheless, there are some perks associated with the Mac that aren’t available with Windows. Within this guide, you will discover some of the top reasons to invest in a Mac.

Macs Are Always Consistent

Do you absolutely hate change? If so, you’ll absolutely love Macs. It seems that Microsoft makes huge changes each time they release a new upgrade. They move stuff around and make things far more difficult for the user. This is where Macs excel. Apple tends to keep things simple. When their upgrades, they change very little. Therefore, you’ll have an easier time getting stuff done even after major updates.

Macs Are More Secure

Windows computers have been the king for many, many years. This is good for Microsoft, but bad for Windows user. Why? Well, hackers have taken an interest in targeting the Windows operating system. After all, it is the most used operating system on the planet. For the time being, the OS X operating system isn’t used nearly as much. This means that the OS X tends to be safer than the alternatives. Hackers haven’t spent as much time trying to crack into Mac computers. Therefore, you’ll likely be far safer with a Mac than a Windows computer.

Apple Has Great Software

There is no doubt that Windows computers will have access to far more programs that Apple. Nevertheless, it is difficult to deny that Apple makes excellent software on its own. This company makes some of the best programs in the world, including Final Cut Pro, QuickTime, Safari and iTunes. All of these programs work exceptionally well across all platforms. You might have fewer options on an Apple computer, but you can guarantee that your programs will work great!

Macs Can Run Windows

If you ever read the FreeMacBlog, you’ll quickly discover that Apple’s computers are immensely versatile. Even if you own a Mac computer, you can still utilize it to run Windows programs. In fact, there are several ways to run Windows programs on a Mac. You can use Boot Camp, VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop. If you decide to buy a Mac, you should remember that you can always gain access to your favorite Windows software. You’ll have to jump through a few hoops, but it won’t be hard.

Educational Discount

If you’re a college student, you really owe it to yourself to invest in an Apple computer. Why? Well, the company is always happy to provide students with deep discounts on their products. If you want to get a deep discount on a brand-new Mac or iPad, you just need to be a student. This is something that usually isn’t available from Microsoft or its resellers. Therefore, all students need to think about purchasing a new Apple computer!

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