SLMGR REARM not working FIX
There are many software and tricks available over the internet to activate windows without the original registration key. While some of these might be true and others be fake, one of the best ways to activate windows is to run specific commands in command prompt. ‘slmgr rearm’ is one such command, used for activating windows. The command is popular in regard to windows vista and later versions but it reportedly does not function with Windows 10 applications. The following article is mainly focused on Windows 7 and 8. Let us understand about this command in detail.
What is slmgr?
Slmgr is short term for Windows Server Manager script. It is a command line licensing tool for Microsoft systems. Coupled with various extensions, the slmgr command is used to obtain relevant information regarding activation status, product’s registration information, expiry date etc. Following are some of the important command implementations of slmgr
- Using ‘-ipk’ : ipk is used for installing product key on the windows server registry. It validates the activation at local as well as administrative windows server.
- Using ‘-do’ and ‘dlv’ : License information of the current system, along with the license key can be obtained using dli key. For more information, dlv can be used.
- Using ‘-xpr’ : expiration date of the installed system license can be obtained using this command. It also displays validity period of the license key.
- Using ‘-ilc’ : In case a new registration is to be done using new license key, this command can be used. It replaces the current license key with a new one and hence the validity period is also updated.
- Using ‘-upk’ : While installing new registration key, some user might need to uninstall the old keys. This command is used to accomplish the same feat.
What is slmgr -rearm?
It is a command used to reset or restore windows system’s activation registry. Windows has a 30 day free trial period for every product, post which users need to activate the product by submitting a license key obtained after the product is purchased. Slmgr rearm command resets this countdown timer to zero and thus the user gets an extension of 30 days for activating the product. Although it may seem that 30 days is a period not enough, the same command can be used upto3 three times to reset the clocks. Hence, you effectively get 90 days of extended lifetime period plus 30 days initial grace period making a total of 120 days! However, after four attempts, the clock can’t be reset using this command alone.
How does slmgr rearm work?
Windows has a Windows Software Licensing Rearm Program which is tasked to manage all the activation related data. The slmgr -rearm command simply reactivates the windows evaluation license. Reactivation using this registry can reset the activation timer values to zero resetting the system to its default state as if it is new. Rearming the system, restores it to its initial status, thereby resetting all grace period timers, too.
SkipRearm is the original registry entry accessed via using the command slmgr rearm.
How to use slmgr rearm?
Slmgr rearm can be implemented using following steps:
- Start command prompt in administrator mode –
Start > All Programs > Accessories
Right click on command-prompt > select ‘Run as administrator’ option
Allow user control permissions
- Type ‘slmgr -rearm’at the command prompt.
- Wait for a minute until the prompt inquiries to restart the computer.
- Grant permissions.
- After the restart, you will have increased the activation grace period by 30 days. This can be verified by checking system properties. OR you can enter ‘slmgr /xpr’ at the command prompt to check the status.
Slmgr rearm not working error
Sometimes after entering the slmgr -rearm command, an error is displayed stating that the command is not working. There may be various reasons leading to this error and hence the user should not expect to use one trick and get the issue resolved. Some of the possible reasons are discussed below along with their solutions. If you are familiar with the reason use specific solution, otherwise use the tricks in the order specified. The order is designed on basis of pure conjecture and is not to be considered arbitrary.
Possible error causes and Slmgr rearm not working solutions:
Situation 1: Multiple attempts
The simplest reason for all these problems is multiple attempts of the deactivation command. As explained above, this command is subjected to 3 uses; this statistic for windows 7. It is possible that it might facilitate lesser attempts on other versions. In case, the user has used the command to its maximum allotted iterations, windows would definitely prompt the error.
In such scenario, following steps would increase your maximum attempt limit:
- Open registry editor.
Start > search > Regedit
- Go to SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ Currentversion\ SL
In case the SL folder is not present on your computer, try searching for a folder named ‘Software Protection Platform’.
- Right-click on the SkipRearm registry and set its value to 1.
- Restart the system and follow the regular method of entering slmgr -rearm command.
The above-explained command increases the number of attempts to 8. Hence the user avails a registration extension of 240 days. Coupled with initial 3 attempts (120 days) of slmgr, the user has effectively 360 days of extension in the windows activation.
Situation 2: Visual Basic Library missing
Windows Server License Manager Script is a tool based on visual basic library and sometimes the command may not work due to lack of presence of this library. This is a problem most users need a solution to if the command is not working in the first ever attempt on a system. The solution to this problem can be implemented by following these steps:
- Open C drive
- Go to Windows Folder and then enter system 32 folder available within.
- Search for ‘slmgr.vbs’
- You might get search results such as ‘slmgr.vbs.REMOVEWAT’ or some other extension in place of.REMOVEWAT
- Rename the file by replacing the name to ‘slmgr.vbs’
- Restart the computer and try entering slmgr -rearm in command prompt again.
Situation 3: Altering Command
Some windows version may not recognize the command ‘slmgr -rearm’ and reject it altogether. Check out for the correct input. Sometimes users miss the blank space between slmgr and -rearm while some do not use the hyphen. Also, the command prompt processes slmgr -rearm only if it is running in administrator mode.
If the command is perfect and still windows are displaying an error, try using ‘slmgr /rearm’ instead of the regular command with a hyphen. Remember, there is also a blank space in this command. Generally, Windows 8.1 version is observed to process ‘slmgr /rearm’ command instead of ‘slmgr -rearm’.
Conclusion: Slmgr rearm not working
While using slmgr -rearm, the user may not know the exact cause of the error and hence it is advised to use the given solutions for problem diagnosis in descending order i.e. using situation 3 and then situation 2 and finally situation 1. The reason for stating them in the given sequence in the first place is the nature of problems observed. The probability of users attempting multiple executions on the same system is very high and hence the situation is stated first. If you have got a pre-owned system, that is the most relevant cause. Slmgr may or may not work with your system but it definitely has not reported any corruption problems to the system.