Effective test automation significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of software production.
Effective test automation significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of software production. However, if the tests you are working with aren’t as good as you think, the result will be just the opposite. That is why controlling the quality of automation testing services is an essential task of developers’ teamwork.
Do You Need to Completely Switch to Automated Testing?
- First of all, all routine work that takes a lot of time and effort of QA specialists should be automated.
- Also, when work needs to be completed under tight deadlines, automated testing will save you.
- However, more complex and challenging cases demand manual testing in order to detect specific bugs.
Do You Need to Make Test Automation Yourselves or to Pass this Task to Outsourcing Companies?
QA automation testing is very beneficial, but still quite an expensive procedure. Doing it yourself makes sense only in the following circumstances:
- if you have the really experienced and well-trained professionals
- if you will implement automated testing on a long-term basis.
Otherwise, you will take a risk that:
- the quality of automated tests will not shorten the life cycle of your software, but increase it
- the cost of developing automated tests will not pay off
Therefore, if you answer “no” to the first two questions, it is better to contact an outsourcing company that does this on a regular basis.
Check the Quality of Your Test Automation Services with Zappletech
If you are not sure of the quality of your testing, contact Zappletech testing services to make an objective evaluation. The company offers:
- co-managed testing
- fully-managed testing
- outstaffing
Find the best solution for your testing procedure with the assistance of an experienced and developing Zappletech professional team. Save your budget and increase the quality of your testing thanks to beneficial cooperation with real experts in the field of automated testing.