What Are the 3 Biggest IT Threats to the Banking Industry?

Written By staff

The banking industry has long been targeted by malicious attackers from around the world and a number of significant threats could have a serious impact on this industry in the future. In addition, if you operate a company that develops software or even if you run a financial institution, you should be aware of the biggest cyber threats to companies using modern technology, not just in the banking industry, but in every industry.

IT Threats to the Banking Industry

The widespread use of technology over the last few years has meant that every company will have to deal with the threat of a malicious attacker gaining access to their system and stealing confidential information or intellectual property. As a consequence, you should carry on reading this article, if you want to identify the biggest cyber threats to the banking industry around the world.

Remote access

One of the main threats to the banking industry is the use of remote access, as well as employees working from home. However, given the situation around the world over the last few years working from home has become more popular with businesses and financial institutions. As a consequence, more companies than ever are giving remote access rights to people so that they can work from any location, which could potentially increase the chances of a malicious hacker gaining access to a particular system. Moreover, you should be aware that network security is one of the top cyber threats to banking industry.

Malicious hacking

Another significant threat to the banking industry comes from unauthorized malicious attackers. Malicious hackers generally use malware or ransomware to take over networks and machines to prevent the end users from carrying out their daily work tasks and to create disruption. In addition, malware and ransomware can be used to gain access to protected systems that contain confidential client, supplier, or financial data. It is the responsibility of every organization to prevent malicious hackers from gaining access to their network systems.

The use of cloud computing

Finally, the emergence of cloud computing over the last few years has also created a significant threat to the banking industry. In previous decades companies usually held their data in databases on a local site. However, the emergence of cloud computing now sees companies using applications that are hosted on the cloud. As a consequence, many companies do not maintain or manage their IT infrastructure but use outsourcing such as a data center.

  • Remote access and employees working from home can become a big threat
  • Malicious hackers attempting to gain access to information and systems
  • The use of cloud computing can create vulnerabilities

Therefore, in conclusion, the banking industry has been faced with significant threats throughout its history, especially fraud while given the increasing use of information technology, a number of new threats have emerged, especially employees working from home by using remote access, as well as the presence of malicious hackers while the use of cloud computing has also increased the threats to the banking industry over the last few years.

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