Most people are familiar with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at this point. What they seem to focus on is the volatility. Cryptocurrency is notorious for its very high peaks and very low valleys that happen seemingly overnight.
This makes a lot of people wary of investing in cryptocurrency. With its popularity, it is hard to ignore and even harder to decide to not invest. Luckily, there are loads of ways to profit off of all of this interest without having to risk much money or even any at all. You can make sure that you don’t just sit on the sidelines while everybody else is seemingly making money from their cryptocurrency portfolio.
In this article, we will go over several ways that you can make money without having to risk any on cryptocurrency.
1 – Start a blog
Blogging is a fantastic way to make money without having to invest much to get it started. With just a few dollars to buy a domain name and about $10 per month spent on hosting, you can begin to build a business. The best topics to blog about are those that people are spending lots of money on such as how to buy ETH in Canada. This is why blogging about cryptocurrency can be so profitable. The cryptocurrency exchanges are paying very high commissions for blogs that send them traffic that converts into sales. This is how blogging works for the most part.
You write loads of engaging content that works well for SEO which brings organic traffic. Then through advertising and working with affiliate networks, you make money. And the cryptocurrency topic pays out quite a bit in both commissions and in advertising revenue.
The one issue with cryptocurrency is that because there is a lot of money to be made from blogs it is highly competitive. Ranking ahead of other established sites for profitable keywords is not easy. However, there are many small topics under the umbrella of cryptocurrency that are not being served by the big blogs. It will take a lot of research to find these smaller topics but once you have a number of them researched and written, you can start to see some traffic. Then when your site authority grows, you will be able to compete for the bigger keywords.
Use social media, podcasts, and Youtube or Tiktok to market your blog and bring traffic that way. You will also come across as an authority by having a well-rounded presence online about the topic.
2 – Become a freelancer
Those established blogs that are out there need people to write for them. To really grow a blog or website, it takes a lot of content and one person can’t write it all. If you know a few things about cryptocurrency then you can offer yourself up to those bloggers and freelance to write for them. There is quite a bit of money that can come from knowing enough about a subject that you can write confidently about it. If the idea of taking a year or even more to start making money from a blog about cryptocurrency has put you off the idea then freelancing is a good option. You start making money as soon as you start writing for your clients.
You can build a portfolio and use social media to get some attention for your services. The key is to join a lot of communities online where people are talking about cryptocurrency. Post a lot of information in those forums or Facebook groups so people can see that you know the topic well. Then you will either be approached to write about crypto or you can let people know that this is what you do.
With a steady stream of clients, you can make a full-time living writing about Bitcoin news and investing in cryptocurrency.
3 – Accept payments in cryptocurrency
If you have some kind of service that you are doing for people, then start accepting Bitcoin as payment for it. For instance, maybe you are running a small operation like landscaping or delivery service. Find the customers that are invested in cryptocurrency and then request that you be paid for the service in Bitcoin so you can build your own portfolio.
This way you can have some cash coming in from many clients and build your wallet with Bitcoin. Since the value can grow with cryptocurrency, you can end up making more money for the same service without doing any additional work. Then, you can use the cryptocurrency that you have accumulated to invest in other altcoins to make even more money if you know how to research. Since there are different factors that go into the value of each coin, you can try to find some that will be immune to a Bitcoin or Ethereum crash so you can protect your investments.
If you have an eCommerce store then adding an option to accept cryptocurrency as payment is also a good way to accumulate it while also helping to grow your store. The more options customers have to purchase a product then the more money you end up making as they won’t look elsewhere if you don’t accept their preference.
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are very loyal when they find a like-minded business to frequent.
4 – Get rewards
You’ve heard of cashback rewards for using your credit card. Or, some give you airline miles to use towards a flight once you’ve hit a certain threshold. Well, now there are cryptocurrency rewards that work the same way.
There are some credit cards out there now that will give you a small percentage of cryptocurrency when you use their card to shop. Use it to buy groceries, pay bills and whatever other needs you have and before you know it you can have a nice chunk of cryptocurrency in your digital wallet. Since Bitcoin grows in value, unlike cashback rewards, you can end up making a lot of money back from these purchases.
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